The Scientific Journal of Cosmointel ISSN 2817-6995 All intellectual property and material rights of the content are owned by the Scientific Journal of Cosmointel.

The Special Issues on T⁠-⁠Consciousness Cosmology

Date : September 8, 2022

The Scientific Journal of Cosmointel is pleased to announce the forthcoming publications of its special issues on “T⁠-⁠Consciousness Cosmology”. In a novel way, this field examines the Cosmos from both the perspective of the philosophy of existence and the mechanism of the Cosmos. T⁠-⁠Consciousness Cosmology has challenged and analyzed some observational paradoxes in cosmology while presenting its new theories from a distinct perspective. It has been introduced so far through scientific documentaries on the official YouTube channel of Mohammad Ali Taheri:

About the Journal

The Journal of Cosmointel was established in 2022. It is an open-access, multidisciplinary journal that focuses on research related to T⁠-⁠Consciousness. The journal is published on a rolling basis to accommodate authors and allow for the flow of the large volume of written research that has been submitted and is becoming available for publication. Journal access is free to all users; registration will be available in the future to ensure receipt of updates on the publication of issues and news. The journal focuses on Sciencefact research results and is published by Cosmointel Inc.

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