Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
All manuscripts must fit into at least one category of the phases outlined below:
The Phase-based Studies of T-Consciousness Fields in Sciencefact.
Sciencefact,[1] is taking an unprecedented step by introducing T-Consciousness as a non-material and non-energetic constituent of the universe that can be experienced through the application of T-Consciousness Fields in various areas of science. In the methodology of modern science, laboratory experiments have always been the foundation of research, and their results have served as reliable and firm criteria for accepting or rejecting hypotheses. Sciencefact, as a new field of scientific study, shares a common ground with modern science, in that it too conducts experiments on matter and energy. Therefore, with the aim of investigating and verifying the effect and the mechanism of T-Consciousness Fields, the following process and steps are suggested to achieve scientific findings and to design testing methods in the field of Sciencefact:
Phase 0 Studies – Investigating the existence and effects of T-Consciousness Fields: In this phase, the aim of the study design is to investigate merely the effect (regardless of its application) on the study system in reproducible, standard laboratory experiments. The results of this phase, first and foremost, confirm the existence of T-Consciousness Fields in a standard and limited study. The important factor in the studies of this phase is simplicity; the elimination of multiple and diverse variables with the aim of reaching more direct conclusions and analysis to confirm the existence of T-Consciousness Fields. The proper experimental design with minimal variables, confirmation of reproducibility of the study results, and meticulous presentation of the designed test conditions while detailing the effects of T-Consciousness fields are among the essential and distinct factors in the studies of this phase.
Phase I Studies – Investigating the varied effects of different T-Consciousness Fields:
After completing phase zero (studying T-Consciousness Fields and designing a standard experiment to confirm their existence) the next step of Sciencefact studies deals with the types of T-Consciousness Fields and the potential variety of responses in the studied system. In this stage, after having confirmed the existence of T-Consciousness Fields (in phase zero), researchers explain the variation in the responses as a result of exposure to T-Consciousness Fields, and describe the results observed in the studied system based on justifiable and repeatable scientific documentation. Stating the standard conditions of study, detailing the effects of T-Consciousness Fields, and providing accurate reports of the effects of various T-Consciousness Fields on the system under study (utilizing approved statistical tests) are among the key factors in this phase (without secondary interpretations of the mechanism of action and by focusing exclusively on what has been observed).
Phase II Studies – Investigating the reason behind the [types of] effects of T-Consciousness Fields: This phase establishes consistency between the results of the study and the theoretical basis of Taheri’s teachings that introduce T-Consciousness Fields and their function. While meeting the objectives of phase zero and I, the researchers present proper and accurate analysis to give an account of corresponding relations between the basis of the reported results and the fundamentals of Taheri’s teachings with clarity and according to the approved standards of Sciencefact in terms of the special topic of T-Consciousness. For example, in phase II cell studies, after having observed the proliferation of cells in the cell culture medium and presenting data confirming the existence of the T-Consciousness Fields, and after reporting the possible variation of the effects of T-Consciousness Fields, we begin to explain the results based on the principles of T-Consciousness that governs the cell inside the culture medium. Accuracy in establishing a correct and precise correspondence between the obtained results and the Source texts of Taheri’s teachings (without the researcher's personal impression) is crucial and among key factors in this phase.
Phase III Studies - Investigating the mechanism of T-Consciousness Fields’ effects: The most advanced types of experiments designed in the study of T-Consciousness Fields are phase III experiments. In these studies, after completing the previous three stages in the preliminary phases and conducting additional and validating tests by researchers, the mechanism of the T-Consciousness Fields’ effects on the studied system is meticulously examined. Among the prerequisites for this phase are rigorous experimental design, sufficient and well-reasoned analysis in accordance with the scientific method, and sufficient command of the principles of Taheri’s teachings and the fundamentals of T-Consciousness Fields. In this phase, it will be possible to propose a new scientific theory based on empirical evidence.
Phase IV Studies – Drawing macro-conclusions pertaining to the mind and memory of matter, etc.
1. Aims and Scope
The Journal of Cosmointel, established and managed by theorist, innovationist, and thinker, Mohammad Ali Taheri, is a novel journal that reports original research on T-Consciousness Fields (T-CFs). It coordinates and publishes multidisciplinary scientific research that spans various disciplines, including biology, physics, engineering, medicine, humanities, etc.
2. Manuscript Submission
Before submitting your manuscript, ensure it has not been submitted to another journal or is not being considered for publication.
2.1. Editorial Assessment and Review Process
To maintain the high scientific standard of the journal, the articles featured in the Journal of Cosmointel go through rigorous and thorough manuscript evaluations by reviewers and journal editors. The process includes the following steps:
- The author will obtain a tracking number after submitting a manuscript.
- The editorial team decides whether to send the manuscript out to the reviewers. They may recommend changes to the manuscript selected for review before formal peer review.
- Several potential reviewers, who are experts in the field, will be assigned to the manuscript. They will review the work and submit a report to the editorial team.
- The editorial team discusses the reports and makes the final decision.
- If the decision to publish is finally negative, the author is offered the option of transferring their work to a different publication.
- If the decision is positive, our editors will edit the manuscript, figures, and display items, in terms of structure, copy editing, clarity, language and scientific view to meet our publication standards. The author would have a chance to review the final text and make the essential changes.
- The authors will be notified in each step and are requested to revise the manuscript to address the peer review comments and submit the revised work.
- The authors have the right to withdraw their work within 15 days after the submission date.
2.2. Uploading Required Artworks
- All tables, figures, and graphs, including relevant titles, descriptions, captions, and footnotes, are required.
- Provide artworks in separate files for quality reasons and for accurate layout editing of the journal.
- TIFF or JPEG are the recommended image formats to ensure high quality and avoid loss of details (with a resolution of 300 dpi).
- Ensure that key elements in the artwork are clear, distinct, and legible in the appropriate font size.
- All figures and table citations in the text must correspond to the manuscript file.
- Both Microsoft Office files (Word and PDF) are accepted formats for artworks’ captions and notes.
- Upload supplemental files if requested (e.g., raw data)
3. Structures and Formatting
The Journal of Cosmointel is flexible regarding the format of initial submissions. Style and length will have no bearing on whether a manuscript is considered for publication, as the formatting requirements are negotiable. Submit your files and tables as a Word document (without Endnote or other reference tools), as well as your figures as editable files (e.g., .eps, .pdf).
The structure and formatting of the submitted manuscript are subject to change to match our formatting style. In the lines that follow, more details regarding formatting are provided.
3.1.Contents of Manuscript
Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References should all be included in the manuscript’s content.
3.1.1. Abstract
A structured summary of approximately 300 words should be supplied. First, briefly explain why and how the study was conducted, then state a specific goal; do not add references.
3.1.2. Keywords
Provide a maximum of 6 keywords immediately following the abstract. Abbreviations and Acronyms should be used sparingly; only those well-known in the area may be acceptable. For indexing reasons, these keywords will be utilized.
3.1.3. Introduction
Avoid giving a detailed literature survey and long history of the topic or a summary of the results. Instead, clearly state the objectives of the research and provide adequate, relevant background to your study. Give references for any data presented, acknowledging previously cited works and all earlier studies mentioned. End with the specific aim and value of your research.
3.1.4. Material and Methods
Provide sufficient details such as where and how the research was conducted. Mention the pertinent ethics approval center with the links to the study protocols to allow the work to be conducted by independent researchers. Explain the planned population, their inclusion and exclusion, the criteria for selecting participants, and the randomization method. Previously published methods should be cited and referenced carefully. Describe parameters for statistical analysis, such as sample size, standard deviation, confidence level and the statistical test. Finally, explain the intervention (frequency, duration, and method of delivery).
Moreover, consider the points below when selecting the intervention utilizing T-Consciousness Fields:
- Double-blind Observation:The project expert and practical team will be selected from those unfamiliar with the intervention method. Also, the intervention will be performed by a person familiar with the method in an environment outside the test environment and unfamiliar with the study context.
- The agreement between the Interventionist (at the current center) and the Researcher:For example, in control and study samples, acronyms are selected and agreed upon between the interventionist and the researcher.
- Location Condition: The physical distance between the study and control samples will have an effect on the results of the experiments when applying T-Consciousness Fields. Depending on the type and nature of the study, a specific distance is selected. We advise you to be in contact with the leadership team regarding T-Consciousness Fields. Email:
- Time Requirement:The sample and control groups will be examined simultaneously and in parallel.
- Analysis of Results:The analysis of the initial results will be performed by an expert unfamiliar with the intervention details and its mechanism.
3.1.5. Results
Results should be precise and accurate, with sufficient details such as estimated size of the effect and precise values (e.g., 95% CI, p-value). Rather than simply repeating the data, provide a general interpretation of their importance and core value as the specific results of your own research. The results should justify the interpretation.
3.1.6. Discussion
Provide a thorough explanation and discussion of the background and a complete description and discussion of the context. Instead of repeating the findings and literature review, the analysis and significance of the results should be explored. Consider the points below for writing this section:
- It is appropriate to combine the Results and Discussion sections if applicable to your research.
- Think about what could be at the root cause of your results.
- Discuss any controversies raised by this research.
- Discuss the study’s limitations and strengths, as well as any sources of bias or imprecision.
3.1.7. Conclusions
Provide the main and valid conclusion of the study. In this final section, no new claim or citation should be presented. Possible application of the study can be provided herein. The conclusion may accompany future directions, so make recommendations and propose hypotheses for further studies.
3.1.8. Appendices
If there is more than one appendix, identify them as A, B, etc.
3.1.9. Contributors
Provide a statement describing how each of the authors contributed to the study. For example, (i) BC performed the statistical analysis. (ii) With the help of EF, BMD wrote the initial draft of the laboratory report. It should be confirmed that all individual authors were responsible for the choice to publish. In addition, at least two of them, identified in this section by their initials, must have accessed and validated the data.
3.1.10. Declaration of Interests
Declare any competing interests for all authors of the study or write “I/We declare no competing interests” if none is available.
3.1.11. Acknowledgments
Please include written declarations from individuals or organizations consenting to be referenced in your study if you wish to thank or acknowledge them.
3.1.12. References
All in-text citations and references should be in APA style. The acceptable version is six or above. For more details, please follow the link:
Unpublished works are cited in the text as unpublished if they are the authors’ own material. It is also valid for any personal communication from someone who is affiliated with a specified institution. Personal correspondence must be cited with written approval. Unpublished data should be referenced in the text rather than in the reference list if it has been submitted to a journal but not approved for publication. References that have been accepted by a journal and are currently being published can be included in the list; please include a copy of the acceptance letter.
3.2. Formatting of Measurement
For units of measurement, use the international system of units (SI). There should be a space between the number and the unit. No standard units or abbreviations should be defined in the figure’s legend.
- For gene and protein nomenclature, please follow these resources:, and
- Drugs nomenclature should be according to the International Non-proprietary Names.
4. Further Details about Artworks
4.1. Table Formats
All figures and tables require a caption. Ensure you apply the same format as the main text with visible grid lines and editable text. Merged cells within a table are acceptable only for column headings. Use NA when no data were collected or available or as an indication of not applicable. Tables should be clear with no multiple parts (e.g., I, II, etc.). Use a new row for a separate line rather than using soft returns. Provide the table with a concise, descriptive title. In addition, to help understand the data, provide further information by using legends and footnotes if it is required. Finally, spell out all abbreviations and acronyms in the table and put them in a list.
4.2. Format of Figures
- All figures will be reformatted to match the journal style if necessary.
- If you are using a specific color coding in a figure, please clearly mention it from the earliest point. Use distinct colors for comparison while considering colour-blind individuals by not using red and green for contrasts. Use solid colour rather than hatch patterns and background shading. In serial figures, apply consistent scale if applicable.
- If you submit your own color digital image, fix the setting of your camera on the highest quality mode. If you use a scanned image, ensure the scanner setting is on ‘DESCREEN’ mode, and ‘no sharpening’ is selected.
- It is not acceptable to make changes such as moving, removing, degrading, enhancing, or obscuring a feature in a figure except editing the figures for color adjustment, contrast, or brightness for quality reasons.
4.3. Graph Formats
Color graphs are preferred, especially when very cluttered or complex. Low-quality images are not accepted as the resolution would not align with the journal criteria. Please make sure hand-drawn sketches are clear and legible with appropriate referencing. In serial graphs with identical axes, apply consistent scaling and axis tick marks if applicable. Use ‘sentence case’ with no full stop for labelling of axes.
5. How to Seek Help
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through the provided email:
6. Terms and Conditions of Submission
By submission of the manuscripts, the authors understand and confirm that:
- The manuscripts are completely their original works, exclude any form of plagiarism, and in case of using others’ works, the authors have cited them appropriately and obtained permission where applicable.
- The manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously elsewhere except in the form of a conference presentation or an academic thesis.
- The manuscript has not been published in any other journals except in the form of an abstract or as part of a conference presentation or an academic thesis.
- The work is free of any potential conflict of interest and does not include any possible personal criticism.
- The results are accurately reported, and the data from the work can be produced.
- The manuscript contains the entire list of co-authors who have considerably contributed to the work.
- All experiments involving human or animal subjects have been performed according to official regulations and policies. In addition, all hazardous chemicals have been appropriately handled according to the approved safety standards and guidelines.
- The submitted manuscript can be subject to rejection or retraction by the journal for any of the reasons mentioned above.
[1] A term coined by Mohammad Ali Taheri to introduce this new science.
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The “Scientific Journal of Cosmointel” reserves the right to terminate access and usage by individuals who violate the above-mentioned conditions.
- Credibility and reliability in conducting scientific research: The “Scientific Journal of Cosmointel” adheres to all ethical standards for publishing research in T-Consciousness Fields and consistently verifies the quality, validity, and accuracy of the presented results.
- Conducting Scientific Experiments: All scientific experiments in the field of T-Consciousness adhere to necessary laboratory standards, and their results are reproducible. From the perspective of researchers in this field, the results of these experiments are considered definitive and proven, validating theories of T-Consciousness Fields. The duty of researchers in the field of T-Consciousness and the “Scientific Journal of Cosmointel” is solely to introduce and present the scientific results obtained from these studies so that all those interested in novel research are informed. It is the responsibility of the scientific community to engage with and scrutinize these studies and their results should they have an interest in this field. It is worth mentioning that this scientific research forum is evolving in all fields of science.
- The Nature of the Research Subject: The statistics and figures resulting from experiments in the field of T-Consciousness serve as evidence. Although the nature of T-Consciousness Fields is entirely unknown to the scientific world, and there is no expertise on this matter in scientific circles, at this stage, such expertise is not necessary. This is because proving T-Consciousness currently requires attention to the statistics and figures of its experiments, which are accurately presented in all studies and require no further elaboration.
- Objective Standards: The study and evaluation of research must be done objectively and clearly. Therefore, criticisms and personal biases toward the authors and founders of theories and research in the T-Consciousness Fields, as well as the group of researchers of the “Scientific Journal of Cosmointel,” have no place. Consequently, esteemed readers, if they have any criticisms or objections regarding the conducted research, are required to submit their viewpoints to the “Scientific Journal of Cosmointel,” in writing, accompanied by valid scientific reasoning and arguments.
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